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Can Puzzles Improve Your Brain Health?

According to scientists and researchers, the answer is “Yes!”

This easy daily exercise can keep your brain functioning at a much healthier level. In research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2017, experts at the University of Exeter Medical School and Kings College London analyzed data from more than 17,000 healthy people aged 50 and over, finding that “the more regularly participants engaged with word puzzles, the better they performed on tasks assessing attention, reasoning and memory.”

According to an article published by Healthline, these researchers were able to determine that by regularly working on word puzzles older adults are able to keep their brains functioning at levels up to 10 years younger than their actual age.

According to Dr. Santosh Kesari, a neuro-oncologist, and chair of the Department of Translational Neuro-oncology and Neurotherapeutics at the John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in California, “The more you use the different parts of your brain, the stronger the connections get between what’s being exercised and the parts of the brain responsible for those activities.”

Something so simple, everyone should add word puzzles to their daily habit. While there are no guarantees that any activity will absolutely prevent the development of cognitive problems, why not do everything that you can, especially the easy steps, to maintain the best brain health possible?

Need a puzzle or two to get started on? Click here for a free pdf download.


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